War Art


The small War Paintings (6”x6”) are built upon layers and layers of paint. I wet sand between the layers to reveal areas once covered up. I make transparent war image and then paint over them and repeat the process. This is the “push-pull” “technique. At times the images can be intense. Although being a painter sense high school the paintings come natural, they are fast and FUN. The quick stroke of a brush or finger loaded with paint. The feel of paint keeps my senses alive, it’s tactile, lush like frosting, the YUM factor.

The paintings are done simultaneously while working on the WWII video. The paintings are more objective. My video works is more subjective.

The texture of the paint is used as a layer in the video; the imagery found for the video is used in the paintings. The Paintings and Video add another dimension to the “Push-Pull” technique, they fuel each other.